Symantec Backup Exec NDMP backups fail the verify stage when backing up from a NetApp

We are using Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R3 to perform NDMP backups of our NetApp FAS2020 running Data OnTap 7.3.7. All was working well until we upgraded from Data OnTap 7.3.6 to 7.3.7. Since then Backup Exec 2010 R3 is reporting every NDMP backup as a failure with the below error during the verify stage … Read more

Outlook Web Access (OWA) 2003 displays “Loading…” when users login

This patch Tuesday after reboots we had users trying to login to OWA on our Exchange 2003 servers. They would authenticate fine and see their folder list but could not see the contents of their inbox or interact in anyway with the OWA interface. Users that chose the ‘Basic’ OWA interface could see their e-mail … Read more

Access denied when changing NTFS permissions on a NetApp CIFS share from Windows 2008

I suspect this problem isn’t limited to just managing CIFS shares on NetApp’s. I bet if you’ve got a Windows File Server and you’re trying to edit NTFS permissions on shares via a Windows 2008 Computer Management MMC you’ll get this error message. In our case we’ve got a NetApp FAS2040 joined to our new AD forest with a … Read more